Best Dinner Party Games For Your Christmas Dinner

If you’re planning on having friends and family over for a big Christmas dinner, you’re going to want to have some great party games for them to play before and after the big meal. Luckily, we have you covered with some of the most interesting and fun dinner games you can play around the holidays. Keep reading to make sure you keep all your guests happy and entertained this holiday season.

Here are some specific dinner games that would be great to play at a Christmas dinner – no matter how many people show up at your house.

Secret Santa


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All you gotta do in this game is to play Santa to one of the dinner attendees. Here is how you play it: Get a list of all the people joining you for dinner. Write the names of all these people on pieces of paper, fold them twice and put them all into a pot such that no one can see which chit bears whose name. Then one by one everyone picks a name. The one that you get is the one you play Santa to. On the dinner night, you get a nice present for the same person and gift them a smile. You do not really have to go big on the amount money of the gift. All that matters is the person does get to smile on seeing what he gets.

Cards Against Humanity


This is a really great party game that can fit easily into a Christmas dinner party. The best thing about this game is that it’s open source and you can print your own cards.

Whisper Game


This is a great party game that doesn’t cost any money. Simply write down some phrases on pieces of paper and put them into a hat. One person starts by drawing a phrase. They then whisper that phrase to the next person in line. This game is better if you have a lot of people. By the time it gets around the room, the phrase should have morphed into something entirely different – and a bit funny

Photo Bomb


This is a really cool game that is easy to play and will leave you with a lot of hilarious photos for Facebook and Twitter. Set the timer on the camera to a random amount of time. The idea is to pass the camera around the room. Each person has to hold it pointing toward their face – like they’re taking a selfie – for a few seconds then pass it on to the next person in line. You the print all the photos and make a scrapbook out of it. Great memories you got here!

Card and Board Games


If you want something a little easier, you can always fall back on using traditional card games or board games. Just make sure they don’t take too much time to complete and that everyone will enjoy playing. For example, you may want to choose Monopoly over Risk even though the latter is a better game. The idea is to keep everyone equally involved!

Whatever party games you decide to go with, make sure that you get something that everyone at your party will enjoy. You’ll always have at least one person who isn’t into playing games in public, so make sure you have something else for them to do while everyone else is having fun playing a party game. Know of any others? Leave a comment and let us know.

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