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Kitty Party

Everything about hosting a Kitty Party – inspiration, decoration themes, DIY ideas, food and drinks menu, games, activities, e-invitations and more

Dress Code Ideas For Your Upcoming Kitty Party

Kitty parties are a fun way to meet and treat with your buddies once a month keeping aside your busy schedule. Whenever we have to plan a kitty party, one of the very important things which come on our list is to decide the kitty party dress code. It should …

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Points to consider while Planning a Kitty Party

‘Kitty Parties’ – Sounds dated? No way! While the traditional kitty parties our mothers used to have also continued to be organized in various cities and societies, there are the new, hep-kinda kitty parties too that have evolved from the traditional ones. There are family kitty parties, couple kitty parties, …

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