The Do’s and Don’ts of Having a Meal with your Boss

It doesn’t matter whether you are new to the company or years old, dinner or lunch with the boss is a big deal and everybody who has a boss should know the do’s and don’ts of the affair. A proper lunch/dinner can lead to good things, a bad one on the other hand leaves a bad impression.

So here are some tips for all the to-be-ideal employees out there.
Do-Always let your boss order first.
Don’t- Keep in mind that you don’t order anything more expensive than what your boss offered. Know the restaurant your boss will take you to before-hand and keep some options handy with the help of online menu. You don’t want to spend too much time looking through the menu. Order after your boss.
Do- Keep your order simple.
Don’t- Avoid ordering anything that can make a mess while you eat. It will not work out well enough if you are busy getting your tie/hair out of the way while your boss tries to have a conversation with you.
Don’t- Try not to be picky about your food. If you don’t like something don’t order it, messy leftovers do not make a good impression.

Do- Whatever may be the situation, treat the waiter/server with respect. Try to handle any situation politely but firmly.
Don’t- Losing your calm over tiny issue is not the kind of fiasco you need when you are with your boss. Your boss does not need to see your temperament in public.
Do- Remember your manners. Even if you are eating at a burger-joint, remember your etiquette.
Do- Before you sit for lunch/dinner with your boss, remember to put your phone on silent mode. Well, this should be the case everywhere, but in this case it is very important.
Don’t- Never, ever, even by mistake set your phone on the table. It is distracting as well as disrespectful. Do not be tempted to check your phone even if your boss does. He/she is your superior. Respect should come first.
Do- Proper grooming is a must before you go for any kind of meal with your boss, regardless of your gender. Shabbiness is a big no-no.
Do- Check your teeth after finishing up the meal. It is embarrassing and could also be a cause of ruining the entire evening.
check your_teeth
Do- Let your boss pay the bill. Don’t over think it. Letting your boss pay the bill is not embarrassing, so don’t think twice about it. Plus if you try to pay the bill, it will make you look condescending, and nobody wants that.

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About Sophia

a believer in work hard, party harder! :)

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