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Everything about organizing Diwali Party – inspiration, decoration themes, DIY ideas, food and drinks menu, games, activities, e-invitations and more

Interesting Facts about Govardhan Puja

Diwali is almost a month-long festival in many parts of India. However, the first five days of the Diwali festival are considered most important. Diwali begins with ‘Dhan Teras’. It is followed by ‘Narak Chaturdashi’, ‘Laxmi Pujan’, ‘Padwa or Govardhan Puja’ and finally ‘Bhai Dooj’. All these days have their …

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Diwali Party Ideas for 2024

Come October, the weather starts whistling about it, the markets get brighter, the roads more congested, and there’s a happy feeling that sets in all our hearts, air whispering, “Diwali is just around the corner”! The biggest of all festivals in India, Diwali, is celebrated every year on the 15th …

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20 Inspiring Ideas for Lighting Decoration at Home

Revamping the interiors of one’s dwelling does not demand too much money. To develop interest and to uplift the ambience of your abode, incorporating a couple of home decor products is enough. One such home decor idea is lighting it up. Lights create magic when turned on! They possess this …

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