Marriage Proposal Ideas

It’s time when the romance and the love need to move to the next level – of exchanging pious vows and entering the eternal bond. Marriage is a decision that doesn’t come easy but most of us decide to go down the altar when we feel that we have met that perfect person with whom we can share the rest of our life. Proposing is a poignant part of the process and while many plan it for days, some just propose impromptu. Some believe in astonishing their soul-mate while others deem it best to pop up the question instantaneously without any planning.

Here are some innovative and creative ways to put that question across to your partner –
Proposing surrounded by old memories – memories is the way we cherish good times spent together. Why not involve such memories to make the proposal unforgettable for a lifetime? One could include photographs to recreate the mood; you could go to a favourite place that was your place during the romancing days and pop the question in style. You could also create a nostalgic environment at your place – in the backyard or the bed room – where you could begin with photos from the start of the affair and arrange in a sequence that one moment leads to another and finally the D question.

Proposing high up in the air – plan an adventure trip that takes you both to the highest peak or altitude in your region and then propose. Or you could take her high up in a hot-air balloon or if you both share the love for adrenalin pumping activities you could propose while sky diving or parachuting. And if you want to keep it simple, then you could also ask the question during a flight, inside an aircraft when both of you are comfortably seated.

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A destination proposal may sound run-off-the-mill but it is quite a touching way to ask the ‘Will you marry me’ question. You could plan a visit to a treasured destination or plan a weekend getaway somewhere nearby. It could be the seas or the mountains – wherever you are sure that your partner will be swept off her feet by the natural surroundings of the place.


Propose in the midst of water – take her out on a boat ride in the lake nearby, anchor the boat in the middle and then spell out the question. If lakes or water bodies are difficult to find in your region, then you can plan an outdoor trip to a location nearby where there is a man-made lake or dam, water reservoir and propose on the ground.


Propose during a scavenger hunt – why not make your partner sweat a bit to finally hear the proposal. A treasure hunt in your or her neighbourhood can be organized. With lots of clues it may seem to your partner quite innocuous but when he/she discovers the final clue to that question, it will be a bolt from the blue for them. One of the best ways to catch them unawares.

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