Tips For the Perfect Invitation For Corporate and Business Events

Every time you plan an event, a tons of effort, hard work and time go into the process. There’s a long list of tasks that you have to perform, on top of which you have to make sure that every single little detail is perfect. From the planning stage to the follow-up, it’s an arduous, time-consuming process but one major step of said process are the invites. Despite it seeming like a fairly small step, there is a lot of deliberation and thought involved in inviting the clients. So, we’re here to help make the whole thing a little bit easier for you by providing you with some quick tips.

Place In Advance

The moment the date and venue for the event are decided, you should promptly send out the invites. Your clients could have a busy schedule, and even if they don’t, it’s better for all the guests to know in advance so they can reserve that date in their calendars. Ideally, you should plan the whole thing at least 4 weeks in advance, giving everyone ample time to make arrangements to be able to attend the event.

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Start With A Call

This is feasible only if you have a close relationship with your clients or are inviting a very small group of guests to your event. If that is the case, then extending them an invitation over via mail as well as over the phone is a warm and friendly gesture that can make the whole thing feel more exclusive.

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What To Put On The Invite

Here is a list of things that must be specified on your invite.

  • Name of the guest invited
  • Title and a brief description of the event
  • Name of hosts or organisers
  • Time and date of the event
  • Venue and how to get there
  • Dress code
  • RSVP deadline

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Customize Your Invitation

Use the client’s name, the logo of your company and design the entire invitation to fit in with the theme that you have chosen for your event. Canva offers beautiful, easy to customize templates that you can use to create these invitations without a lot of hassle.

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Provide Them Some Incentive

If you really want people to attend your event, the easiest way to do so is to organize a giveaway and mention it on the invitation that you send out. But if you aren’t hosting a giveaway, another charming incentive could be something within the event itself. For example, the food, or maybe an open bar, if you have it.

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Name Drop

Under the appropriate circumstances, name dropping someone can be the best way to entice your clients into attending your event. However, you need to make sure that it doesn’t look tacky. But the idea is pretty simple. If someone famous from the circle your clients frequent is going to be attending the event, using their name in the invitation will compel other clients to attend as well.

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Generate Excitement For the Event

The most sure-shot way to create a lot of excitement regarding the event is to organize an event that will resonate with the guests that you will be invited to it. It can also work as an incentive to get them to attend. Pick the venue as some really popular new restaurant or hotel which has been the talk of the town. It will give your clients a chance to visit the place as well.

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Keep An Eye On the RSVPs

Most of the bookings you make will be determined by the number of attendees the events will have, so you have to make sure to keep an eye on who RSVPed, saying what. This is why events are always going to be your safest bet because they make the communication between you and your guests much quicker.

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Follow-Up With The Invites

One week before the event, follow up with the people you have invited. People might get tied up in their lives and forget to reply to your email or might have missed the invitation, to begin with. Following up with them also works as an informal reminder for the guests that the event is coming up soon and they should be ready for it.

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While they might seem like a small detail that can be overlooked, invitations tend to leave an impression. The invites you send out are the first look your guests have of the event you are planning and as they say, first impressions count.

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