Photography Tips for a Fun First Birthday Photo Shoot

Remember the day when you gave birth to your bundle of joy? Right from receiving the news of your conceiving to enduring that excruciating labour pain, it has been a journey worth cherishing. And today, your munchkin has grown up to be a baby of one year! It’s time you create a stupendous first birthday photoshoot of your angel. In case the thought of hiring a professional photographer dampened your spirits in any way, let us apprise you that this photoshoot can be executed all by yourself. All you need is certain tips regarding the photo session, the same that has been compiled in this article. Take a look.

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Find a Nice Location

first birthday photoshoot tips

Planning an Event?

The first pre-requisite is finding a fun location to perform this exciting photo shoot. It can be a brick wall or a splendid park in your locale. Or it can also be a picket fence, beneath a quirky tree in your neighbourhood, a nearby playschool or a fancy iron gate. The probabilities go on and on. Choose one or more locations of your choice.

Choose Some Cool Get-ups

first birthday photoshoot tips

Choose some cool, attractive costumes for this photoshoot. If you wish, you can make a few of your own following the instructions on Pinterest. Use stuff from home to accessorize and create some nice themes. Mix and match for cool, fun clicks.

An Impressive Backdrop

first birthday phoptoshoot tips

Mulling over about the sort of background to be used? Well, how about bunting? Bunting lets you make use of variegated combinations, and the result is so colourful! Balloons, streamers, beach, garden or lawn, park, football field, pallet wood, farmhouse etc. are some other options that you can consider.

Add in your Munchkin’s Personality

first birthday photoshoot tips

Pay attention to what your little one possesses an affinity for such as a guitar, books, or some kind of a special toy, and keep those things near them. While they get busy with their stuff, let the shutterbug capture the moments in his/her camera.

Indulge in some Fun

first birthday photoshoot tips

You don’t have to feel the pressure as there are no guests to entertain. You have got ample scope to spend as much time as possible with your baby. Make your little one smile and laugh. Real cheerfulness cannot be posed. So, let the real joviality of your baby get captured in the photos!


first birthday photoshoot tips

The perfect lighting sets the atmosphere and offers you a firm basis for a professional-looking photo. If you prefer outside lighting, then sunset or sunrise would be the most propitious time. Try capturing photos beneath a porch or in complete shade. For inside lighting, you need to observe first which windows in your house receive the maximum light. You require light penetrating through a window which doesn’t seem too unpleasant and that offers you sufficient light to undertake a photoshoot without using the flash.

So these were some of the tips making use of which you can carry out an amazing photoshoot! If you have an amazing photoshoot of your baby that can inspire other young parents, do share with us at Or add your ideas in the comments below. Cheers!

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a believer in work hard, party harder! :)

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