Ideas to Reduce Stress at Workplace For Your Teammates!

Everyone must have experienced a day at work when your mind was somewhere else, and you could not focus on your assigned or respective tasks. It might have had something to do with the stress, or maybe even stress at work itself. Nowadays, you can develop stress or anxiety at any place you work even if you are working in your dream company. Changes at the last minute, preparing for a presentation, massive projects, meeting the deadlines, the office culture takes a toll on your mental and physical well being, and that can be harmful both to your professional and personal life. If you are a team leader let us inform you that stressed-out employees are bad for profits and morale. Hence, organising fun stress management activities at the workplace becomes imperative. 


We all are aware that exercise is an age-old stress buster and walking is practically proven one of the best stress-buster activities which cost zero. Everyone has at least one group with whom they head out for a stroll over the lunch hour, try to take a walk when you are stressed out. 

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Flexible Work Hours

In today’s lifestyle, a flexible work schedule allows maintaining a balance between the work-life and home is really important. Sometimes, it is important to let your employees select their preferred time or schedule that works with their life as they can manage both without getting stressed. 

Organise Fun Activities


Apart from working hours, it is also necessary that you plan team outings for your employees or can organise some fun activities like Zumba. These stress management activities will help boost your employees’ confidence and will also be a reason for interaction with others. We recommend that these team-building exercises are a must when it comes to keeping your employees stress free.

Team Lunch or Potluck Party

No doubt outings are fun, but rather than organizing some games every time you can even plan a team lunch or a potluck party with your teammates. Everyone should cook and bring at least one dish and share it with their other teammates. 

Bring The Festive Feels

Do not forget to arrange small parties or some gettogether on festivals. Decorate their workplaces and you can even keep small surprise gifts for them. Let them enjoy celebrating the rituals as Indian festivals fall almost every month this can be a great stress buster for them. Plan for some festival-related games as Quiz and keep exciting gifts for the winners.

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About Nikita Iris Samuel

One comment

  1. Nice points will definitely take some ideas to implement in my company.

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